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20 years of software engineering experience. Reverse engineering codes with strong learning attitude.


Full Name as per passport: Wong Teck Meng
Nationality: Singaporean
"Email: "
Code repositories


Employment history : 20+ years Software Engineering

Period Employer Positions Responsibilities
2023-2024 UParcel AI Engineer Software Engineering
2022-2023 AI Singapore Associate AI Engineer MLOps
2020-2021 NCS Fiori developer SAP Edge Implementation
2019-2020 BHP Developer Fiori Project Implementation
2006-2019 NCS Senior Consultant SAP Consultant/ABAP/Fiori
2000-2006 Creative Associate Engineer Software QA

UParcel : 2023 - present

AI Engineer

  • Route Optimization: Improved delivery efficiency by optimizing routes using large-scale data analysis and heuristic algorithm parameter fine-tuning, resulting in a 20% increase in driver acceptance rates for listed jobs.
  • Market Launch: Successfully launched optimized last-mile delivery solutions in the Malaysian market, expanding UParcel's presence and capabilities.
  • CD/CI Pipeline Management: Managed the project pipeline for UParcel's Continuous Deployment/Continuous Integration (CD/CI) using AWS tech stack CDK, ensuring seamless and efficient development operations and maintaining a high degree of reliability and scalability.

AI Singapore : 2022 - 2023 : 1 yrs

Associate AI Engineer

  • Content Generation: Scoped requirements for event planning for a government agency using Langchain and prompt engineering.
  • MLOps: Implemented MLOps using Pytorch and Tensorflow frameworks, developing a highly configurable ML pipeline with Hydra for tasks such as image classification and object detection, adhering to SOLID engineering principles. (PeekingDuck)
  • Industrial Defect Detection: Designed and researched an industrial defect detection proof-of-concept for an American multinational company using OpenVINO, deploying it on the Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX Developer kit.
  • Mentorship: Mentored batches 12 and 13 on Computer Vision.

AI Apprentice

(Batch 11, 2 months + 7 months on-the-job training)

  • Competitive Selection: Selected as one of the top 19 candidates out of hundreds of applicants, demonstrating exceptional potential in AI engineering.
  • Intensive Training: Completed an immersive 2-month deepskilling program in AI engineering, followed by 7 months of hands-on on-the-job training on a real-world industry AI problem.
  • Cloud Architecture: Successfully deployed scalable distributed container platforms using Kubernetes in GCP, showcasing expertise in cloud-native architecture.

Career transition : 2021 - 2022 : 1 yrs

  • Self-Hosting: Successfully self-hosted applications and API services on a personal domain ( using Docker Swarm on 3 Raspberry Pi devices, demonstrating expertise in containerization and orchestration.
  • Cloud-Native Migration: Transitioning hosted applications and API services to Kubernetes using Talos and Proxmox, showcasing ability to adapt to new technologies and architectures.

Team Fight Tactics Strategy Application

  • Dockerization: Containerized the application to showcase gamers' meta of current patch using feature importances, utilizing Docker to ensure scalability and reliability.
  • Frontend Development: Implemented the frontend using React and Zustand, demonstrating proficiency in building responsive and efficient user interfaces.

NCS : 2020 - 2021 : 1 yrs

Fiori developer

  • SAP Edge Development: Implemented SAP Edge applications using Agile methodology, demonstrating ability to work iteratively and deliver results in a fast-paced environment.
  • Maintenance Dashboard: Developed a Maintenance Dashboard for the Singapore Air Force F16/Apache Squadron on Edge devices, improving turnaround reliability and showcasing expertise in building tailored solutions for complex industries.

BHP : 2019 - 2020 : 1 yr 2 mos


  • Global Rollout: Successfully implemented the Resource Scheduler application globally, enabling mass scheduling of work to personnel while considering work restrictions and capacity availability.
  • Process Improvement: Achieved significant reductions in Time-on-task, User Error Rate, and improved safety compliance, demonstrating ability to develop solutions that drive business value and enhance operational efficiency.

NCS : 2008 - 2019 : 10 yrs 7 mos

Senior Consultant

  • ERP Implementation: Successfully led 11 cycles of end-to-end Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP) projects, totaling over $100 million in value, across various business domains (Material Planning, Procurement, Logistics, Finance and Control, Human Resource, and Plant Maintenance).
  • Productivity Excellence: Consistently improved productivity and added value after each project cycle by applying best practices in Software Engineering.
  • Technical Expertise: Demonstrated proficiency in implementing projects using both Frontend (Fiori) and Backend (ABAP) frameworks, showcasing versatility in SAP development.
  • Agile Leadership: Spearheaded Agile Scrum methodology adoption among project team members, fostering collaborative and iterative development.
  • Crisis Management: Successfully restored a critical production database outage under time pressure by applying root cause analysis techniques, ensuring business continuity and minimizing downtime.

Creative : 2001 - 2008 : 7 yrs 1 mos

Associate Engineer

  • Pioneering QA: Contributed to the development of the world's first MP3 devices, ensuring high-quality software and hardware through rigorous Quality Assurance processes.

Education Qualifications

Period Discipline/University
2011-2017 Bachelor of Science IT and Business (ERP)
Singapore University of Social Sciences

Professional Qualification

  • Certificate Verification – AI Professionals Association (AIP)

  • Udacity Nanodegree Program - Machine Learning Engineer

  • SMU Certificate in Artificial Intelligence Module 1 - Building AI Capability with Basic Coding for Business

  • SAP Certified Application Associate – Procurement with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP6

  • C_FIORDEV_20 Development Associate – SAP Fiori Application Developer


- Open source projects